Message from the President
My biological mother died when I was 4 months old which caused my siblings and I to live in different homes throughout the neighborhood. I was so grateful that one of my sisters lived directly across the street from me and we were able to "grow up together." In the home where she lived was another little girl named Irene. Irene and I thus became "sisters" at the age of 8 and were inseparable from that time forward.
In our mid 40's, after having bonded even closer and raising our children as cousins, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The healthiest person in the world - from my viewpoint - but nonetheless, Irene's diagnosis subsequently lead to her passing in December of 1990.
In the years to follow, our family broke through many of the barriers my sister faced in obtaining help for low-income survivors. It started with my daughter discovering the beautiful gift of breast prosthetics when she was personally fitted for a bra. Wanting EVERY Breast Cancer Survivor as well as women born with Asymmetrical Breasts to have this gift aligned with BFRIN's mission,
"to help low-income individuals and families in need." This mantra embodies the love we had for Irene and pushes us to help all disadvantaged community members along their life's journey, with services not otherwise readily accessible to them.
Grieving families and breast prosthetics were just the beginning: We are ever expanding in breaking down barriers in underserved communities: through our food pantry, home care help for persons with physical disabilities; brokering and support services for those with intellectual disabilities and related services. We EDUCATE and provide hands-on PRACTICAL assistance. Our family is committed to serving the humanities; low-income individuals in particular, with the help they need and at the time they need it. Every person we help is treated just as if she WERE my sister! For more information or to gain access to our services, please call:



Executive Director

Our Board