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Things you probably haven’t thought of yet.

Older woman in the dark

Life after a breast cancer diagnosis doesn’t have to be a mystery. Lots of women have been in your shoes.

There are things you probably haven’t thought of yet. For instance, it can be tough to turn the steering wheel when backing out of parking spots after you’ve had surgery. So, you’ll want to look for a space where you can pull in and out without having to back up.

And then there are the other things:

Hair Loss

There are several ways to deal with hair loss, including going au natural or rocking a scarf or hat. Some people choose to wear a wig.

If you opt for a custom wig (Cranial Prostheses), make an appointment with BFRIN before you start losing your hair. Insurance often covers at least some of the cost. But check first because how much they cover can vary greatly.

Your Appearance

Cancer treatment can make you look sicker than you really are. Chemotherapy can dry out your skin and give it a gray, green, or yellowish look. Losing your eyebrows and eyelashes, which frame your face can be disheartening, But using a powder color or an eyebrow pencil in a shade that resembles your hair color will improve your appearance.

Dress for Comfort

If you’re having a mastectomy, stock up on oversize zip-front or button-down shirts. The tops should be roomy enough to accommodate any drains that will be attached to you. Set Up a Support System.

You may feel better talking to others who’ve had breast cancer.

Finally…Be Patient With Your New Self

Recovery from cancer surgery and treatment is a process. It can take a while to get comfortable with the new you.

Excerpts from WedMD

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